That's right, Tax Day. And this is how I spent it rather than attending a Tea Party, or (heaven forbid) actually filling out my 1040EZ. I sort of regret the former. Being rather the passive type I'm not much for protests, but these are worthy. Not that I mind chipping in. I love this country and the excellent benefits of being a citizen (except maybe jury duty--I'll get back to you on that next week). Still! The budget this year is nuts.
Anyhoo, in attendance Nude Dude (presiding), Typhoon (formerly Dr. Victor in these minutes), and Cobra (late, having underestimated the nuisance of a printing job--but hey, gotta pay those taxes). Dali Wally was very weary and begged out; Spitfire is abroad.
Not this one specifically, but you get the idea. Both excuses were deemed acceptable.
Topics of discussion included the ease with which older single women can find male companionship. Typhoon and Nude Dude didn't think it much of a problem. Motion carries, with one dissenting vote. Fries are superior to kettle chips, though the chipotle ketchup is pretty tasty. That wasn't a topic of discussion, I'm just sayin'.
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