Thursday, April 09, 2009

BNO Minutes, April 8, 2009

BNO Minutes, April 8, 2009
In attendance:  Spit...Hey!  Where's Spitfire?  In San Francisco, presumably collecting his heart.  So, presiding, JT.  Also attending, Dr. Victor, Dali Wally, Cobra, and Nude...Hey!  Where's Nude Dude?  The assembled are bereft.

Perhaps that's why the conversation turned to postmodernism and dadaists (in which Dr. Victor won the lightning round and named Duchamp as the perpetrator of "Fountain" ).  Oh, here's Nude Dude!

And there was much rejoicing.  
Or perhaps they are just delighted by Dali Wally's plans to take up pole dancing with one of the art's most notable practitioners in the southwest.  
Either way, a grand time was had by all.  See you next week.


There is trouble brewing on my lip.

Our family reunion begins in two days.  The pustule on my upper lip began last night.  I am using aggressive chemicals on it, but should it all go wrong (meaning when I inevitably squeeze and manually torment it), I want to go on the record and tell the world it is not a cold sore and I do not now nor have I ever had herpes, no matter what it might look like to posterity looking at family photos from April 2009.

Thank you.